01.004 – Going back

OK you have now, Wrote out what you want in your level, you have given a sketch for the intro of your level and you have written your level out. Now its time to go back. This means you should go to the first thing we did (spider diagram 01.001) and add more things to it that you think you need to add. The reason you need to do this is because you wrote the story out and may have thought of new ideas that are not in your diagram.

So I should on my diagram now add beach, boat, sun, aqua blue sky and things like that.
And on my story I should try add more detail and on my picture. Now this may not help much but its worth doing in the long run.

Below is my edited spider diagram.
I know the quality is not that good but you can still read it. In some I have linked together like “Beach” and “Sackpersons House” and “Buildings” I did this because its on the beach and its a building. If you do not understand turn off your computer and go and do something else because that is the most simple thing we have done.

(I was joking you don't have to go)

This is the end of planning a level, you can either get creating or just move on to the basic tutorials or anything you want! It's up to you!

Sorry for bad quality image in this one.