Whatis/How to List

04.001 - What is H4H? -
H4H Is a bad thing! H4H stands for Heart for Heart, this means someone hearts someone because they hearted them. I class this as cheating as they have not earned that heart.

04.002 – What is Mm or MM?
MM stands for Media Molecule. The amazing team that made the most amazing game of all time! (Also MM could just be for an avatar because of their name like mine: mr-malro = mm) But MM means Media Molecule.

04.003 – Who is Sackboy/Girl?
Are you sure you playing the right game?! Sackboy is the person you are on LittleBigPlanet, you know the sack... person.. Yes the one that changes clothes and you can put stickers on him... Yeah well you get the idea!

04.004 – What is Game Sharing?
Game sharing, most people that buy games from the PS Store do this. It is where you allow people to go onto your account and download the games that you already have (its free). Sony allows this or they would have removed the option. But they highly advise you not to. They also advise you to not give out your account details. The reason for this is because there has been many cases where people have spent money on others accounts and Sony cannot do anything about this. Want more information? Google it!

04.005 – How to get your levels noticed?
The main way to get your levels noticed is by doing the following: Finish editing your level, publish it, add or remove something from the level, wait a few minutes, publish again. This will bring it to the front pages for a while. (depending on how many people play it) Its not the most legit way to do it. But its easy!

04.006 – How to keep the thermometer down?
Ahh yes! The dreadful thing! You may think its stupid to have this in the game but its not! It keeps your game from crashing and your level from not working! If you added 1 more thing over the limit the game would blow up!... Well it wouldn't but your level would not work at all. How to keep it down? Well start of by limiting how many materials you use. I would stick to about 8 maximum! The more materials = the more the thermometer fills. You can find more information on forums!

04.007 – How can I find inspiration?
There are lots of places you can find it! I also used to have trouble finding it but I never thought of looking on forums, people leave inspiration on them and tell you their level ideas. You could copy but I would take that idea and then make it your own by building on it. With a new story and things.