05.001 – Planning your level (2)

Yes I know we have already covered this, this is what you need to do before making a level. Plan it! If you do not plan it, your level may go horribly wrong and you don't know how to fix it. Please go to 01.001 and read all of the planning a level tutorials: 01.001, 01.002, 01.003, 01.004.

So you plan your level then you are going to start making it. Go to 05.002 to start that. =)
“Intro of level -
Sackboy – Hello! Welcome fellow sackboy to my beach! You can relax here or take the boat to the city or just take the boat for a nice relaxing ride on the sea!

When on boat -
Player – I should go to the museum and see what's there

City – starts on beach builds up then finds museum
Player – Ahh the museum, seems empty I wonder why

Player goes down into museum lower floor and gets attacked by zombies

after player kills zombies that's the end of the level”